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Australia’s most dangerous animals – A sneak peek!
From venomous snakes to apex predators, when it comes to some of the deadliest creatures, Australia has a fearsome reputation. Let us know why!
As lively and beautiful life is in Australia, the wildlife is equally dangerous and scary. With the barrens and the oceans, the green lands, and the highlands, Australia is home to some of the wildest, craziest, stingiest, and deadliest animals in the world. Even something as small and slow as a snail roams around with a potent venom that can potentially kill a human.
Although it is highly unlikely that you will come across any of these animals venomous animals during a usual stroll or a swim, you must keep an eye on the deadly species we are going to list in this article. They are dangerous, and they can kill you.
Box Jellyfish
Australian Box Jellyfish is considered to be one of the most toxic animals on Earth. It possesses a venom that attacks the heart, the nervous system, your eyes, and your skin. One of the lethal most creatures on Earth looks nothing like the one that can kill a human within a matter of minutes.
Transparent, flat, and jellylike slow swimmers, the ocean creatures sting, causing unbearable pain. If the sting releases enough venom, it can cause an immediate cardiac arrest, killing a person in a few minutes. They are most often found in Queensland and the beach staffers are specially trained in dealing with emergency situations related to jellyfish stings.
Check this: Dangerous animals across the world
All stations on the beaches store vinegar to provide temporary relief from the pain. Interestingly, peeing on the sting spot doesn’t help.
Did you Know? There are more than 50 species of jellyfish found in the ocean, and only two of them are deadly. One of them is the Australian Box Jellyfish.
Taipan Snake
Australia is home to as many as 140 odd species of snakes, and about 32 of them can be deadly. The Taipan Snake is essentially the most venomous snake!
Till the time proper antivenom was not developed in the country, several deaths related to bites from this fierce snake were recorded every year, some of them were believed to have killed people in less than 30 minutes. Fortunately, the numbers have reduced with the advent and advancement of anti-venom.
Usually found in Southern Australia, the Inland Taipan’s venom is considered to be the most toxic of all snakes based on its median lethal dose. However, unlike the coastal Taipans, which are quite aggressive, Inland Taipan is shy and reclusive. It attacks only when provoked, cornered, or put in danger.
Did you Know? While Inland Taipans are the most venomous, they aren’t the deadliest of all snakes. Due to their reclusive and shy nature, there hasn’t been a single human death since the creation of the anti-venom in 1955.
Saltwater Crocodile
Known to reach a body mass of 1000 kilos, the saltwater crocodiles in Australia are surely the ones to look out for. They are extremely aggressive and territorial, so there is no messing around with these powerful creatures in their habitat. They are mostly known to eat small reptiles, fish, turtles, and birds. However, they can also prey on livestock and wild pigs. Thanks to the brut force their jaws possess and immense power, they can crush bones in seconds and end lives with their infamous ‘Death Roll’. They are stealthy, cunning, and can attack people out of nowhere. It is the surprise factor that makes them so dangerous.
Did you Know? These saltwater crocs neither generate body heat nor sweat to keep cool, which is why they come out of the water to regulate their body temperature.
Blue-Ringed Octopus
These octopi look stunningly beautiful moving freely inside the ocean, especially in those stunning coral reefs. However, don’t go too close to them as their extremely venomous bite can land you in serious trouble. Their venom shuts the body down, paralyzing it and making it increasingly difficult to breathe. Even though the bites are painless, the impact can be catastrophic. To add to it, there is no anti-venom available for their bites. The best possible way to save a person from dying of their bite is to help them keep breathing until the venom is completely removed from the body.
Did you Know? Beautiful but beastly, the blue-ringed octopus is the only one in its family with a venomous bite. They carry enough poison to kill as many as 26 humans. Yes, you heard it right.
There might not have been any deaths recorded in Australia due to stonefish bites, they are still the most venomous fishes in the ocean. With master camouflage capabilities, stonefish bite only if they are provoked or stepped on by mistake. Releasing their venom from their 13 spines, the venom can cause severe pain, heart failure, and even death if the person is not attended to on time. They are found in the shallow coaster waters in the northern half of Australia. So, keep your eyes wide open if you happen to take a dip in the ocean here.
Did you Know? Stonefish is known as a slow swimmer but takes only 0.015 seconds to bite.
Redback Spider
Australia is infamously popular for its variety of dangerous spiders, and the Redback is one of them. Found across the country, these tiny little creatures (1 cm in size) can pack a real punch with their venomous bite. The venom is so toxic that it can easily kill a human. Although there haven’t been many recorded deaths due to their bite after an anti-venom was developed in 1956. If you are scared of spiders, this is surely the one to stay away from.
Did you Know? If you thought love hurts, thank your stars you are not a male redback spider. The female redback spiders are known to eat their male counterparts after mating. Scary, isn’t it?
Eastern Brown Snake
Yearly deaths related to brown snake bites are higher than any other group of snakes. While all brown snakes are venomous and dangerous, the Eastern Brown Snakes are the most aggressive, bad-tempered, and quick and agile – a combination that makes them extremely dangerous. Their venom is considered to be the second most toxic (first is the Inland Taipan – Australia is deadly), what makes Eastern Brown Snakes is that they thrive in populated areas where there are more chances of human encounters.
Did you Know? Brown snakes can reach up to the speed of 15 miles per hour and are considered to be the most highly skilled hunters in the snake family.
They are believed to be the descendants of dinosaurs. That should ring a bell on why this bird is on the list. The largest cassowaries can grow up to 6 feet in height, making them really dangerous when not in the right mood to entertain humans around. Although they are not seen as aggressive or territorial in nature, they can pack a deadly punch when provoked or threatened. With extremely strong feet and sharp, dagger-like claws are capable of launching a fatal attack that can result in possible death.
Did you Know? Cassowaries have historically remained an important part of the tradition and ceremonies of the aboriginals. Now, these aboriginals are involved in their conversation.
Great White Shark
The first image that usually comes to our mind, when hearing of white sharks, is of those terrifying shark attacks in the movie Jaws. That film sure damaged the image of the great white shark, but these beastly creatures are powerful, aggressive, and responsible for the highest number of shark-related fatalities in the world. Found across the northern coast of Australia, their powerful jaws can result in a quick and painful death for any prey, including humans. Having said that, the great white sharks are not man-eaters by nature. The recorded attacks and deaths have happened either due to unwanted human interaction, or provocation. In fact, they are believed to not even like human blood.
Did you Know? The great white sharks are the biggest predatory fish. They can grow up to 4.6 – 6 meters long. There are 300 triangular teeth present in their mouth, responsible for the infamous shark bite.
Funnel Web Spider
Australia is home to a large variety of spider species. While not all are dangerous, the funnel web spider definitely is. There are approximately 40 species of funnel web spiders found in Australia, out of which, the Sydney funnel web spider is considered to be the deadliest. It carries a venom that is as toxic as a snake’s bite. These small crawly creatures are not known to attack humans at will, but a chance encounter can cause a fatal bite.
Did you Know? Only a male funnel web spider can lend a fatal bite as they have a typical combination of venom inside that affects the nervous system. This venom component is absent in females.
Textile Cone Snail
Yes! You read it right. A snail makes it to the list of the most dangerous animals in Australia. The Textile Cone Snail, with attractive brown or yellowish markings, is one of the most venomous species of snails. They induce their venom through harpoon-like teeth that are powerful enough to penetrate through human skin. There might have been only a handful of deaths recorded due to textile cone snail’s bite, they contain enough venom to kill 60 adults.
Did you Know? As painful as their venom could be, it is widely used in pharma products to treat pain.
Horses and Cows
Confused? A News Daily recently reported that according to the census, the number of human deaths due to animal attacks and accidents ranked horses and cows as the top offenders. Between the period of 2008 and 2017, horses and cows killed 77 people, followed by kangaroos – killing 60 people in the same period.
Did you Know? Crushing and piercing by cows and horses is regarded as the main reason for human death, followed by accidents.
Frequently Asked Questions About Highly Venomous Animals in Australia
Where is Box Jellyfish usually found?
The Box Jellyfish is largely found in Northern Australia, between the months of October and May.
Is the Sydney Funnel Web only found in Sydney?
One of the deadliest creatures in Australia, the Sydney Funnel Web is found in all of New South Wales – in the forests as well as the urban areas of the state. One bite of this spider has the potent venom to kill a human within 15 minutes.
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