Kissing a Parsi Girl can Lead to Exciting Possibilities
Zoroaster Religion
The Zoroaster religion is perhaps the oldest religion in the world as it predates both Islam and Christianity by many centuries. It even predates Buddhism and is perhaps on a par with Hinduism. The religion has age-old practices and rituals and the believers worship the sacred fire that burns in all Parsi temples. The Parsi religion, however, is fairly rigid but has yet spawned liberalism among its followers. Thus Parsi women are greatly free and emancipated and it will not be an understatement that they are the peers of the western women in an eastern environment.
Parsi Women are Free
One of the ancient beliefs of Parses is the equality of women with men. Parsis give a great degree of freedom to their women in the choice of spouses and friends. Though, the priests may frown yet the Parsi girls will easily be friendly with men outside the Parsi fold. This we have a situation where the Parsi woman is generally more gregarious and outgoing than other Indian women. So in case a man from another religion or faith wishes to date and love a Parsi woman he will have to raise his mental level to that of the Parsi girl. Kissing is one aspect that represents affection between a man and a woman. Eastern manuals lay great stress on the kiss. Though Hindu or Muslim woman will never kiss in public, this is not so with modern Parsi girls. Also, bear in mind that Parsi girls are generally very fair and extremely beautiful.
Kissing a Parsi Girl
Thus a man wanting to show his affection to a Parsi woman will have to play by the rules of the game. It is imperative that he builds up trust and confidence with the Parsi woman. It will not be a bad idea to be aware of the essence of Parsi religious thought and its scriptures. Once a Parsi woman is aware, that she is loved by a man though he may be outside the fold of the Parsi religion, she will open out to him. In that case when you do meet her see to it that you are presentable and well dressed.
While taking her out for a dinner or a movie hold her hand gently and press it to convey your love for her.
When you are alone with her, look her in the eye. Talk a lot and make good conversation. Remember that in case a Parsi girl likes you, she will not be averse to being kissed. But do not rush to do anything. Start by kissing her fingertips and then the inside of her palm. Continue soft kisses and move on to her cheeks, chin, and neck. Kiss her eyelids softly and whisper sweet words to her. Once the woman closes her eyes you can lightly brush her lips with your lips and then follow up with a chaste kiss lip to lip. It is more than likely that by now you will be able to get her to open her mouth and then you may interlock your tongue with her.
Last Word
Thus kissing a Parsi girl is an art by itself. It can be an elevating experience, in case you have some belief in yourself. This could be the start of an exciting foray into the world of bliss with your Parsi partner as a lot many Parsi girls are marrying outside their religion. You could land yourself an extremely beautiful wife.
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